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This morning, I dreamt that I had signed up for the military.  But, I kept living like I didn't have any commitment at all.  I did not prepare myself for the rigors and responsibilities of that life.  When time came to report for duty, I was not prepared.  I watched as the ship sailed without me, as I struggled to pull everything together.  I was finally able to get on board, sometime later.  I was still woefully unprepared, lacking things I needed on the journey. I had created, by inaction, great difficulties for myself.  I was also very embarrassed by being in the company of those who had carefully prepared and had everything they needed for the journey. 

I do not expect that I would sign up for the military.  What I will sign up for is to be on the Lord's team to prepare for His return.  I have had many conversations with my Heavenly Father about my willingness to do such.  I have been blessed with dreams about what will happen when I work for Him.  I have been blessed with instructions on how to prepare.  But, I have been unfocused on His guidance, and very weighed down by the cares of the world.  I easily forget and revert to the familiar, and I thought necessary, business of selling products online. 

This dream was a stern reminder that I am not ready for a journey in the Lord's work.  I have accomplished a part, but there is so much left to accomplish and prepare myself physically and spiritually.  I have been living my life with a deer in the headlights perspective.  It is hard to get in the mindset that we are at the point in time when God is activating His servants who will respond to His call.

Many of us have difficulty in switching gears this way.  It is called normalcy bias.  It is easy to convince ourselves that we don't need to do anything different, because something big like a revival and an actual gathering has never happened before.  Or it may be considered "normal" to talk about war and the troubles that come with war, yet we have never had real effects in this nation in our lifetimes.  Therefore, we convince ourselves that it will turn out like it always has.  That is how it has been for more than a couple of generations. 

I encourage all of us to apply the warnings in this short dream, to our lives.  We had better be up and doing, because life is about to get very different than we have ever experienced before.  There are going to be very good things, and there will be very bad things.  We need to be living in the Nemenhah way, and apply the temple worship in our daily lives.  Only by walking on the way can we shake off the tendency to shrug off the obvious monumental shifts that are happening.  Let us get ready to report for duty for the Lord's work.  We do not want to miss our boat.
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