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Book of Remembrance

First Book of Achee 3 ( Achee is the Brother of Jared)

36 And Achee said to the Lord: Lord, My heart yearns to know of the gifts you gave unto the Father And how they are the foundation of the Law of Virtue.  
37 And the Lord opened this great mystery before the eyes of Achee and withheld them not from his sight. And the Lord said:
38 The first gift I gave unto the Father was you, And in oneness all men. And by the work of my hands He has the delight of being your Father.  And I built you into the fabric of all creation for Him as He dwells there.   And now you and He dwell together.
39 And the second gift I gave unto my Father was the spirit. So He could speak to you in all things. And so you could walk as His child knowing Him by His voice as any child knows his father.
40 And the third gift I gave unto My Father was your guardian angel. Or, that is to say, The element of your protection in the midst of the Eerkodeshoi (two-thirds of angels that remain faithful). And your Father is comforted.  
41 And the fourth gift I laid before the feet of My Father, Was that you could have life and have it in abundance and it would flow like living water So that His child could live life to its fullest. And my Father could have the delight of your passages.  
42 And the fifth gift I laid as a treasure before the feet of my Father Was forgiveness for your sins. And the twenty-four elders who are the leaders of the Eerkodeshoi cast their crowns at His feet.  
43 And the sixth gift I gave unto my Father Was the ability of all creation to love you, in spite of your sins. And it was because of this grace that the love of the Father overflowed in gratitude toward me.  
44 And the seventh gift I gave unto the Father Was His ability to reveal Himself to you, unto the unfolding to you of all the mysteries of the kingdom. And by this your Father can whisper to you all the tender feelings of His heart. And you can know all things that bless you in whatsoever circumstance in life you find yourself.  
45 And the eighth gift I laid before the Father Was His ability to restore your soul and raise you up in the resurrection.   And for Him to bless you to be able to thus forget your sorrows, And wipe away all your tears, And find rest with your loving Father.  
46 And the ninth gift that came before the eyes of the Father Was The Bread of Life, Which is your ability to be one in Him, as I am in Him. That you may be one in Us. And the Father, in this way, will always be joined unto you. And you can be secure and find life in Him.
47 And the tenth gift. I gave unto the Father. is for you to have children. And receive of the happiness of family. even as your Father in heaven has with you. And for you to prosper with your families. And you and your Father together may receive the joys and happiness of the passages of life  
48 And the eleventh gift Was the gift that you, by the power of your repentance and the intervention of your agency, May be able to overcome struggles of life and be victorious over temptation and the oppression of evil and the fiery darts of Semihazah and all his band. And thus you may not have more than you are able to bear.  
49 And the twelfth gift I gave unto Him was Yahad, Which by interpretation means the community of the elect and those who walk in perfection of way. That he may dwell there with you and all the workmanship of His hands in holiness in the joy of eternity.
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