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The following passage is found in the Nemenhah record:

Quote15) But now I would call your attention to the veil of the Tuhhuhl Nuhmehn (Temple). Why, when we are brought to the veil, is it rolled up and done away? It is because of that which we have received upon the Way that causes the veil within us to be rent from the bottom to the top. For, it is said often and shall be written in another place that it is fitting for some who are below to go up, as also it is fitting for some who are above to come down. 

16) But this may not be accomplished so long as man lives only in the mortal sphere. It is for this cause that the Peacemaker gave all these things unto Ahtahn (Adam) and Ayayfah (Eve), our first parents. He wanted them to be able to return into His presence while yet in the flesh. 

17) But behold, the solely mortal cannot stand the very presence of a Heavenly Being. Wherefore, it was important for the children of men to receive, by their obedience and faith, an endowment that would change their mortality enough to allow them to stand the presence of Heavenly Beings. 

18) Now behold, you must believe that such a thing is possible, and I see that you do believe it. But, I say unto you, there will be many, nay, even the more part of the people in the last days shall be taught that such a thing must wait until after the resurrection. 

19) Yea, it shall be taught even unto the elect of the Peacemaker that they may not stand in His presence except that they must die first. And they will shun revelation and despise prophesying because of this thing they shall have been taught by the shepherds of the church. And, because of this teaching, many shall reject the restoration of the gospel and shall persecute they who do receive such things. 

20) But I say unto you, this is the Endowment of Power – to gain the ability to stand upon the Way and converse with your kindred dead, with Angels, with guides and guardians, and with Ayahtsuhway Sahnhehmpeht (Jesus Christ) Himself. 

21) And this shall be a sign unto all they who might read my words and wonder whether they live in the times of which I speak: They shall stand at the veil of the temple with an assistant standing near unto them that they might be reminded of the things they must say in order to pass by the sentinels, or so they suppose, that have been set there to guard the way into heaven. And they shall not know who it is that the assistant represents, who stands near to them and whispers into their ears the words which they must speak. 

22) They may think that He is Paytrah (Peter) or Ayahtskah (James) or Ayohahn (John). They may think that He represents Father Ahtahn. But, I say unto you, they are mistaken in all that they think, unless they realize that the assistant represents Ayahtsuhway Sahnhehmpeht.

23) Now, if the assistant represents Ayahtsuhway whispering in the ear of Ahtahn, whom you represent at the veil, I ask you to instruct me in this thing. What does such a representation teach us about the veil? What must have occurred in us that might cause that we may stand in the very presence of the resurrected Sahnhehmpeht, that He might whisper in our ears words of wisdom? 

24) Who is it that presents us at the veil and pleads our case before Aylohhihm (Elohim)? Who is it that, after we have said and done all that is required of us, parts the veil and speaks on our behalf? Who also, when the veil is rolled up and the obstacle no longer exists that would separate us from Aylohhihm, is it that takes our hand and places it in the hand of They whose dwelling is the bosom of eternity? 

25) Now, you who might read my words, and I tell you it can only be by the grace and wisdom of the Peacemaker that you shall receive these things, can it be that the Tuhhuhl Nuhmehn is a sham? Are the covenants and ordinances performed there mere farce? I say unto you, Nay! 

26) Behold, it is the purpose of the Tuhhuhl Nuhmehn to take mortal beings and teach them in such a manner that they may be introduced into the spiritual sphere while yet in their mortal form. And I declare unto you that a change is verily made in their mortality that allows this to come upon them. 

27) And in the Spiritual Sphere, of which the Way may be said to be a part, they are to be instructed by Angels and Heavenly Messengers, even as Ahtahn and Ayayfah were visited and instructed by messengers of the Peacemaker. 

28) And, when they progress in knowledge and truth as Ahtahn and Ayayfah did progress, it is the purpose of the Tuhhuhlnuhmtsipi to effect such a change in they who go there to take up sacred covenants and perform sacred ordinances, that they shall see Ayahtsuhway Sahnhehmpeht, and He shall present them at the veil in order that they might come into the presence of Aylohhihm. 

29) That they may do this for themselves, as also for and on behalf of their kindred dead, is a surety. But I declare unto you, as for the purpose and the function of the Tuhhuhl Nuhmehn, anything more or less than this comes of the world and not of the Peacemaker. 

30) It is for this cause that Ayahtsuhway bade us come unto Him. He did not bid us to go unto the wise men of the world and thereby learn enough of Him that we might find ourselves justified in the day of judgment. Nay, He bade us come unto Him. 

31) And is this commandment vanity? Shall the Peacemaker Ayahtsuhway Sahnhehmpeht give a commandment and yet shall the thing which He does command remain impossible? I say unto you, nay. A wickedness must come upon any people who uphold such a doctrine.

As we see in this important passage, the primary purpose of Temple worship is to bring the man or the woman to Christ, so that each may be taken to through the veil and be able to converse with Father and Mother.  It is not something that has to wait until after death.  Adam and Eve were taught this, and they were delighted to be able to commune with God again.  

It is not right that the focus has shifted away from having faith that we are each able to experience this while we walk, as mortals, upon the earth.  We will be a powerful people in helping our world, and our ancestors, as we step into this role during the time of Tribulation.  We must loose ourselves of the doubts and fears, chains that have us bound in unbelief!  Step into your divine destiny and unleash the Spiritual power you carry inside you.  You can approach the mountain of the Lord's House and actually speak with Him.  You don't need a Moses to do that.  You have the invitation.  Please don't ignore it, or believe you are not worthy.  Father in Heaven is no respecter of persons.

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