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There are a lot of conveniences in this modern day. We take many things for granted that our grandparents or great grandparents produced by the sweat of the brow. For most of us, we have given over some or all responsibility for our food to many people we don't even know. A lack of Christian morality in food production and distribution is a recipe for disaster. Accordingly, we should be evermore proactive in being very careful about what we choose to eat and drink.
There are many items in the grocery stores which are labeled "Bioengineered Food Ingredient." That label indicates the food is genetically modified. That modification, if consumed, may become a permanent part of our physical bodies. We do not know if it is a modification that will make us sick.
We have this significant warning in the Doctrine and Covenants:
Whether it is bioengineered food, mRNA vaccines, or something else, there are people on this planet who want to do us harm, or exercise control over us. Nevertheless, we have loving Heavenly Father who will protect His people from even poisons, if we hearken unto His counsel. We need to be a diligent and wise people, as we care for the Temples which Father has blessed us with.
Ultimately, we will suffer the consequences of our choices in what we allow in our body. Let us be more cautious as we go forward, including what we allow people to put in our arms or noses. For my own family, destruction has followed in the wake of the worldwide pandemic "solution."
As we hearken to the warnings given by our Creator, we may look forward to the joys we find in this promise from the First book of Ohuhgohuh, in the Nemenhah, verse 185:
There are many items in the grocery stores which are labeled "Bioengineered Food Ingredient." That label indicates the food is genetically modified. That modification, if consumed, may become a permanent part of our physical bodies. We do not know if it is a modification that will make us sick.
We have this significant warning in the Doctrine and Covenants:
Quote4 Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation—
5 That inasmuch as any man drinketh wine or strong drink among you, behold it is not good, neither meet in the sight of your Father, only in assembling yourselves together to offer up your sacraments before him.
6 And, behold, this should be wine, yea, pure wine of the grape of the vine, of your own make.
Whether it is bioengineered food, mRNA vaccines, or something else, there are people on this planet who want to do us harm, or exercise control over us. Nevertheless, we have loving Heavenly Father who will protect His people from even poisons, if we hearken unto His counsel. We need to be a diligent and wise people, as we care for the Temples which Father has blessed us with.
- We should reduce or eliminate processed foods
- Buy locally produced foods
- Avoid pork, there is a reason that meat is subsidized by the government
- Develop the spiritual sensitivity to inquire from the Spirit as we select foods and drinks
- If you have dis-ease in your body, develop your mental and spiritual gifts to restore good health
- Trust the guidance of the Spirit
Ultimately, we will suffer the consequences of our choices in what we allow in our body. Let us be more cautious as we go forward, including what we allow people to put in our arms or noses. For my own family, destruction has followed in the wake of the worldwide pandemic "solution."
As we hearken to the warnings given by our Creator, we may look forward to the joys we find in this promise from the First book of Ohuhgohuh, in the Nemenhah, verse 185:
QuoteBehold, ye Nemenhah, unto you I will reveal my strange work. Ye have separated yourselves from the world and have kept yourselves clean from the sins of this generation. Yea, ye have come out of Pahbaylohn and because of this ye are exceedingly blessed.
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