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How Can We Come Out of Babylon - A Pattern for Zion

Started by Rozan, Nov 17, 2024, 05:55 PM

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The following excerpt addresses the Nemenhah teaching of "Coming out of Babylon."  In the record, it is spelled Pahbaylohn.  There is so very much that we can learn, and apply to our lives, as we strive to become a people who are prepared to meet the Savior, Jesus Christ, when He comes again.  I will continue adding this critical information from the Nemenhah record.

Book of Hahgohtl 

85) ...Then Nayfi prepared to return into the  Waynahstitspah to preach the word of Peacemaker  to the Nayfihah. And we tried to prevail upon him to  stay with us.

86) For behold, the robbers had taken control of  the government there.

87) But he could not be convinced and departed  into the Waynahstitspah. And it was in the sixty and ninth year of the reign of the judges over the  Nayfihah that Nayfi departed from us to declare repentance unto the Nayfihah in Tzahrahhehmlah.

88) Behold, because of the diligence of Hahgmehni  and the regulation he made of the Church, we had continual peace in our land for many years.

89) But behold, in all the lands our neighbors in the  east and in the south, the Gahdiahntohnhehm gained  control of the governance and we began to worry  exceedingly.

90) Wherefore, in the seventy and fifth year of the  reign of the judges, or as we began to reckon, in the sixth year, our people decided to move ourselves into  the fast places in the mountains. For we feared exceedingly the strength of the robbers that  surrounded us.

91) Wherefore, we divided our people into two  groups, the one led by me and the other by Hehmehntah who was a great leader and a Healer. And I took those who would follow me and we took our journey into the north and west and  Hehmehntah took those who would follow him and  they followed the river Aykihts afar into the north.

92) And, behold the Nemenhah who followed  Hehmehntah were a great body of people and they found herds of cattle on vast plains of grass and these  herds provided great provision for so large a body of  people and we had much trade with them.

93) But behold, the Nemenhah who followed me  were not as numerous, for we were builders and loved the mountains. Yea, we liked not continually to  move but preferred to establish ourselves in one place.

94) Wherefore, we found a valley that abounded in  game and had much water and timber, and we built us a city there. And it was amidst the mountains west  and north of the river Aykihts and between our mountain fastness and the fair land which we had left  was a wasteland of exceeding barrenness.

95) Now this was wisdom in us, for the bands of  robbers did nothing but for gain and to traverse the barrens would have been too costly for them.  Therefore, we did use the barren places as a natural frontier and a bulwark against them.

96) And the valley in which we established  ourselves we called Maynihntah, for there was much  salt in the southern part of the valley. And the land of  Maynihntah was indeed a fastness for the Nemenhah, for it could only be approached from the  south by way of a narrow canyon, and from the west  by a narrow canyon, and from the north through an  exceedingly narrow defile.

97) Wherefore, we established ourselves in a place  that was easily defended and we built a beautiful city.

98) Now the Gahdiahntohnhehm ceased to take  notice of us for we traded not into the south but maintained commerce only to the north with our  brethren. For we opened and maintained roads and trails into the Waykihktstitspah following the  mountains that extended exceedingly far into the  north.

99) Wherefore, we had good trade routes to the  north that led out onto the plains and we maintained good concourse with our brethren in the north. But  we closed all roads to the Waynahstitspah, for we desired no contact with the Gahdiahntohnhehm.

100) Behold, as I said, I am Hahgohtl and I am waxed  old. I have both ruled the Nemenhah and been ruled  by them since I left the Waynahstitspah when  Tsihblohn was Chief Judge of the Nayfihah.

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