What Kind of Man was Joseph Smith? The Polygamy Issue Simplified

I invite you to read the following notices entries that were published in the official Church newspaper:

The Times and Seasons, February 1, 1844, contains the following notice:

As we have lately been credibly informed that an elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints, by the name of Hiram Brown, has been preaching polygamy, and other false and corrupt
doctrines, in the county of Lapeer, State of Michigan:

This is to notify him and the church in general, that he has been cut off from the church for his iniquity; and be is further notified to appear at a special conference, on the 6th of April next, to make answer to these charges.
Presidents of said Church.
Times and Seasons, vol. 5, p. 423.

The Times and Seasons, March 15, 1844, is found a letter from Hyrum Smith, of which the following is an extract:

Nauvoo, March 15, 1844.

To the Brethren of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, living on China Creek, in Hancock County, Greeting:
Whereas Brother Richard Hewitt has called on me to-day, to know my views concerning some doctrines that are preached in your place, and states to me that some of your elders say, that a man having a certain priesthood, may have as many wives as he pleases, and that doctrine is taught here: I say unto you that that man teaches false doctrine, for there is no such doctrine taught here; neither is there any such thing practiced here. And any man that is found teaching privately or publicly any such doctrine, is culpable, and will stand a chance to be brought before the High Council, and lose his license and membership also: therefore he had better beware what he is about.

Times and Seasons, vol. 5, p. 474

These notices were published by Joseph Smith, and his brother, Hyrum, a few months before they were murdered at Carthage, in June 1844. The messages conveyed to the members of the Church in Michigan, is specific and firm, polygamy is not accepted in the Church and those that are practicing it will be called before a Church court.

I invite you to consider these statements carefully. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, most accept that Joseph was the Prophet of this Dispensation, and the he was of high and noble character. I believe that is true with all my heart! Thus, it is my position that neither Joseph or Hyrum were lying or obfuscating the truth in these messages.

They identified polygamy as apostate doctrine.

If you believe they are lying, and hold in their hearts secret familial relations with other women than the ones the Saints knew of, how can they be of the character described in the 13th Article of Faith, which Joseph penned as a foundation of our faith:

“We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.”

Either the man, the Prophet, Joseph Smith, was good and honorable and virtuous, or he was not. There is no lying for the Lord that passes the character test that is required for a man called of God. So, I expect that there are some few, who recognizing the cognitive dissonance arising from these facts, needs to evaluate and a choose made regarding the character of Joseph Smith, Jr. It is a truth that if honesty and truth, or virtue and chastity are abused as suggested by the modern Church, the man could hardly be called to be an example of a Godly man.

Yet he was, and is a Godly man! Therefore, we are left to question the motives of long established religion which would smear the founder so.

2 thoughts on “What Kind of Man was Joseph Smith? The Polygamy Issue Simplified”

    1. Every contemporary account of Joseph’s words and actions, while he was alive, was a proclamation that polygamy was a sin, and that he was not guilty of it. That is because beginning in 1832, there were disaffected members of the Church who accused Joseph of having more than one wife. In the 1835 and 1844 Doctrine and Covenants, there is a “Statement on Marriage,” which plainly says the law is that no man should have more than one wife. Other members of the church leadership started having secret consorts, including Brigham Young. He went on a mission, alone, to teach the Cochranites. The Coghranites were living in polygamy. Brigham Young married a woman, who was already a wife and a mother. He brought her back to Nauvoo, with her two youngest children. The youngest, a boy a few months of age died on the journey. His name was Brigham. He and a small group of leaders began quietly telling men that Joseph had approved polygamy, but that it must be kept a secret.

      Now, I ask you to consider the claims of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In section 135 of the Doctrine and Covenants it states, “Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer of the Lord, has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it.” I believe that! It holds Joseph as one of the best men who has ever walked upon this earth.

      In contrast, the Church also claims that Joseph Smith introduced polygamy, and lived it secretly. Brigham Young excused this, after Joseph’s death and after he introduced polygamy, as “Lying for the Lord.” The Church claims the Prophet of the Restoration is a “liar!” They say he had to lie to Emma, and he had to lie to the Church. But, it wouldn’t have just been a lie, it would be in violation of the laws of the land, and in violation of the laws of God. The scriptures say that the liar is thrust down to Hell.

      Joseph claims he was innocent of these charges. The Church accuses him of being a polygamist after his death. They cannot both be true. I believe Joseph Smith.

      (You may see much more evidence presented on the 132 Problems YouTube channel.)

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