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Military Factions and Buffalo Riders

Started by Rozan, Dec 15, 2024, 03:50 PM

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Thursday, 27 March 2014

This dream found me and my family in a home which seemed to be ours. A relative serving high in the military came, and brought his friends, who were also officers. They brought a great deal of equipment and boxes. They set up offices in my home, where we were not allowed to go. I had no idea what they were doing, or why they were there.

I was commanded, by one General, that I should have juice waiting for him at 7 am every morning. I was also commanded regarding other meals. I was upset by this and could not believe their audacity. I did bring juice. Then I and my family left. On foot, we started walking. We wanted to cross the train tracks, but there were a seemingly endless series of trains, with no time between to provide a safe crossing. After waiting for an exceedingly long time, there was a short break, and we crossed. (Some of the trains, we saw, were built to adjust height-wise. This was so the faster trains could go up over the top of the slower trains. We saw this happen many times.)

On the other side of the tracks, we began walking on a grass and dirt hill. I did not see any houses, or anything other than a vast expanse of grassy hillside. I didn't see any trees nearby. After a short period, we saw men riding upon great beasts, thundering down the hill toward us. I was afraid my family would be trampled. One rider thundered by us, and I saw he was riding a buffalo. I was astonished! I watched as he turned the large animal and came back by us. He swung off the animal a short distance above us, with his buffalo positioned to protect us from the other buffalo. Two others did the same.

We found out these men were battling some few other factions, among whom were those who had taken over our house. These buffalo riders knew the location, size and resources of all the factions. I was quite impressed. They offered to protect and shelter us, for which I was grateful. Though, I wasn't sure who were the good guys.