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Nuclear Attack Preparation and Doing the Wrong Things

Started by Rozan, Dec 15, 2024, 07:02 PM

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I had a symbolic dream, where our country was attacked by a nuclear weapon. I did not speak plainly of dangers and preparations which we needed to complete quickly. My husband and I were getting everything prepared in the basement of a house (not our own). The kids knew a nuke had been detonated in this country, but I did not explain that radiation was a danger. Nor did I explain that the heat wave was a danger, and the flash of light was capable of blinding you. They did not know they could be gravely injured in these circumstances.

I had shut all the windows and expected everyone to be downstairs with me. But, I did not know. I seemed to be organizing the area we were to spend the next few days in. But my priorities were WRONG! I was trying to get a battery operated tv set up and working. I had not placed food and water in our shelter first. I had not got everyone armed with ammo and weapons in our shelter. Then, things fell apart at a disastrous pace.

I went upstairs to get the boys, and a blast wave hit. My youngest started screaming. He was severely injured because he had opened some of the windows, and had been burnt, and his eyes were injured. I was tending to him, when I discovered that another son was missing. Some wicked men had lured him out of the house. He was forced to participate in looting. He saw how crazy people were acting and was very frightened. I went to get him, but I had no protection. I found my missing son, but I had no way to rescue him. I was captured, too.

The leader turned his attention back to where he had grabbed my son. He and his gang were going to plunder my family's place. I watched, helplessly, as they crept in. I screamed in my mind, "They are coming!" as a warning. I hoped my husband had been wiser than me and had prepared the means to protect our family.

I thought deeply about how I have covenanted with God that I will not to try to "follow along," but instead be bold in playing my part in the great winding up orchestra. We all have a part to play, and a lifetime of practice has prepared us for this time of trouble. We don't need a script, and to try to read it when everything falls apart. And, we certainly should be making wise decisions, and not functioning on a "deer in the headlights" level. When big, scary things happen, recenter on Jesus Christ. Walk in His footsteps as you carefully choose your actions, and push past the fear. Focus on the most important things, and don't be in a normalcy bias mindframe. It will help to write down the most important things, and then just start working through them.