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Acting as Saints in Order to Become Saints

Started by Rozan, Dec 09, 2024, 03:01 PM

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Please forgive that part is not explained well.  Because I don't recall the specifics of the dream, I will leave it as is, because I view it as a very wonderful dream.

1 March 2014
I dreamt that I was on a bus with a tremendous company of people.  I watched in amazement as they acted the part of Saints as we drove past onlookers.  I wondered how everyone knew their parts, or became part of this acting company. The ride was very long, three and a half hours.  And I was very astonished at the things that I saw that were said and done on that journey.
That ride ended, and I was disappointed that we were supposed to again get aboard another bus, to perform a similar work for that same amount of time.  But, I did it.  While on that bus, many people were caring for children who were not theirs. There were many folks who lacked in clean clothing.  But, all hid these difficulties, pressing forward in faith.
When upon our journey, we were stopped and those that were willing to witness that they were true, or actually who they said they were, were placed in a section, like choir seats, so that they may be examined.  Very many people were nervous that they would be discovered to not be who they said they were.
At this time, one who had used to be a part, but we thought he had abandoned the belief, reappeared, bringing a poor creature, a man who was not beautiful, and wearing poor clothing.  I started with amazement, as I beheld some, and then more and more people in my loved company start praying to and praising this humble man.
How wonderful and grateful when I recognized Him as my Savior!  I wondered at the ability of all the others to see Him as He was.  Then I understood that in practicing being Saints, as part of a play or performance, they became Saints and recognized Christ.  All the supposed pretending was made real in an instant.  Those that were being mothers and fathers to orphans, were.  All who hid unclean clothes, were perfectly clean.  It was glorious and amazing!