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Kindness is the Power in Peace from Prophecy, Building Zion and Tribal Records

Started by Rozan, Nov 17, 2024, 06:16 PM

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Kindness is the power in peace. Sometimes the kindest thing you can do is to be silent.

Words are like a mighty sword, but they are also like water. One drop of water is not that harmful. But, one drop of water can draw other drops of water that can make a cloud. Sometimes clouds are for good things, but sometimes clouds are for bad things, and one more drop of water can collapse somebody's life. What do you and say can harm another's sense of dignity and self-respect.
We are all here and we're called to walk as one Spirit people. This is what we are first, Spirit people. We are called to walk in this body, with the heart. You got that heart from your mother. I say this a lot and I'm saying it because apparently this is a problem to remember this. Your heart was formed in your mother's womb, your first baptism. The most sacred one you had, was coming out of her womb. How special was that water? The first feeling and experience you had in this planet, in your life, was your mother's heartbeat. Then you felt it in your chest. You have to remember the scars you place on other people, on their hearts, is scarring their mother's heart, as well.

You are called to walk with unconditional love. The Savior, we call the Great Peacemaker because all He did was made peace.

When have you ever seen a mother not stand by her child. You should stand by each other in the same way.  If you don't have something good to say, don't say anything at all. Be silent, because that's kindness sometimes.

If you want to become the one that is known to make those big storms, those big storms, don't you think (especially if you're LDS) that you're supposed to be setting a better example. If we just did a little bit more of kindness, maybe He would return a little bit sooner. Is your heart of less value than the card you use to walk into a building? And is your heart of less value than that building? Is the heart of your brother and sister, (and are we not all brothers and sisters,) of less value than yours? We share the same ancient grandfather and grandmother.